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Car Rental Infiniti Q50 in Ivano-Frankivsk

Rent Infiniti Q50 in Ivano-Frankivsk
Super price!
  • A/C
  • Doors - 4
  • 500 l
  • 9.2 l/100 km
  • Body type Sedan
  • Engine capacity 3.0 l 300 HP
  • Transmission Automatic
  • Type of fuel Gasoline
from 26 days 10-25 days 4-9 days 1-3 days
2370 UAH 2370 UAH 2370 UAH 2370 UAH Select dates
Deposit 17000 UAH
25+ days 2370 UAH Deposit
17000 UAH
10-25 days 2370 UAH
4-9 days 2370 UAH
1-3 days 2370 UAH

FAQs about hiring Infiniti Q50 in Ivano-Frankivsk

  • How much does it rental cost for Infiniti Q50 in Ivano-Frankivsk?
    Car rental price in Ivano-Frankivsk starts from 2370 UAH per day, it all depends on the car you have chosen and the rental period itself. The longer the rental period, the lower the rental price per day. Prices for car rental from the Rental company.
  • What are the rental conditions?
    The conditions are very simple. The client must be over 21 years old and have more than 2 years of driving experience. If these conditions aren’t met, then rent is possible with an increased deposit. Car rental conditions
  • What is the deposit required for the rent Infiniti Q50 in Ivano-Frankivsk and can I take it without a deposit?
    The deposit for Infiniti Q50 in Ivano-Frankivsk costs 17000 UAH. It’s also possible to rent a car without the deposit. The rental price will be 2300 UAH per day. Plus, fuel deposit is mandatory, since we provide a car with a full tank. This deposit is a guarantee that you will return the car with a full tank, otherwise, we will use the fuel deposit.
  • What documents are needed for the lease?
    Before issuing a car, you must provide the original passport and driver's license with the appropriate category. For foreigners - international driving license and a passport. List of required documents
  • What are the conditions for the mileage?
    All cars are limited to 100 km per day. You can increase this figure to 200 km / day or more by choosing an extended car rental package. Mileage requirements
  • What are the insurance conditions?
    Full insurance. Cars are insured under CASCO and MTPL. Insurance conditions
  • What are the payment methods in Ivano-Frankivsk?
    Cash, non-cash, form with VAT, and payment with the credit card are possible.
  • Is it possible to travel abroad with your rented car?
    Yes, you can drive our cars to the countries of the European Union. For this, we additionally draw up a package - a power of attorney for driving a car and Green Card insurance (the package is paid separately). It takes 1-3 days to prepare the package. Territory of movement
  • Can I rent a car for a wedding?
    Yes, it’s possible. But we cannot guarantee the availability of a specific car, and in the case of substitution, we will be forced to provide a car of the same or higher class according to previously agreed terms and conditions as well as cost.
  • What if I damage my car?
    In such a case, call us immediately. Our insurance agent will contact you and tell you what to do. All cars are fully insured, you don't have to worry. Assistance on the road
  • Yes, you can. To do this, you need to add an additional driver to the rental agreement. This service is free?
    Yes, you can. To do this, you need to add an additional driver to the rental agreement. This service is free.
  • What is the cost of additional options, such as: navigator, child seat, WI-FI router?
    Yes, all these options are present. You need to warn us in advance. Rent for 3 € per day or 15 € for the entire rental with a long-term lease. Additional options
  • Is it possible to rent a car for a legal entity?
    Yes, we work with legal entities. We accept payment in a non-cash form with VAT. Car rental for business
  • What’s included in the rental price?
    The cost of car rental includes: fully insured, clean car with a full tank, a personal online manager for the entire rental period and round-the-clock support.

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  • 18 December 2021

    Супер, мне понравилось. Самый спортивный бизнес-класс в вашем ассортименте

  • 15 November 2021

    Брав автомобіль у даної компанії. Дуже крута тачка, закрив всі питання як добратись в другий регіон. Потрібно було швидко і комфортно добратися до рідних, та вернутися назад. Дуже сподобалась тачка, прикольно йде по трассі та салон дуже крутий нічим не уступає таким як mercedes і bmw. Дякую компанії за надання послуг, без проблем з’їздив та відчув лише хороші емоції від цієї тачки.

  • 19 November 2020

    Брал Инфинити белый у ребят. Остался под хорошим впечатлением. Не ожидал, что в такую кроху впихнули ракету. Динамика запредельная, тормоза и трансмиссия немного не дотягивает к двигателю. Ход приятный, но немного грубоват. Шумоизоляция на отличном уровне. Комплектация отличная. В целом рекомендую и теперь еще и не раз прийду за ней. 

  • 14 September 2020

    The Japanese make far better cars than anyone else. You're testing the base none sport model of the Q50, that's why you don't have the sharp steering wheel. I have a 2013 G37S, which is the last model before they renamed the car to Q50, and I love the way it drives and sticks to the road. I've owned BMW and MB before, and I would never go back to them, they break like there is no tomorrow and that is simply badly built cars. All German cars are as bad as the Americans, and the only different thing is that the Germans' suspensions.

  • 24 August 2020

    Удивительный автомобиль. Это было первое знакомство. До этого я ни разу не ездил на инфинити. Мне достался автомобиль белого цвета, 2018 года. Ездил в Одессу и потом по Киеву. Взял на 5 дней и продлил аренду еще на 4 дня. Ребята, это - РАКЕТА. Я не ожидал, динамика очень быстрая, управление тоже хорошо, но на больших скоростях не справляется. Повезло, что полный привод. В Киеве разогнаться не получается, камеры. Но по трассе, это нечто. Салон кожаный со всеми примочками. Есть все: камеры, люки, обдувы, все. Спасибо ребята, это было незабываемо.

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